We provide widespread air and surface solutions.
We work with many types of buildings, creating custom solutions to promote personal health and control the costly effects of spreading pathogens:
Nail and Hair Salons
Continuously sanitizes the salon air, equipment, chairs, and tables.
Removes mold, viruses, and allergens from the air 24 hours a day.
Keeps customers and employees healthier by decreasing the spread of germs.
Neutralizes most odors from nail and hair products.
Reduces VOCs from polish remover, hair dyes, cleaning products and other salon products.
Reduces harmful vapors from a variety of salon products and effects of micro size particles from aerosolized nail filings protecting staff from long term exposure.
Is 100% organic and certified safe.
In our live test, the average reduction in VOCs was 63%. That may appear to be a lower reduction than what we are used to but you need to keep in mind that VOCs are constantly be introduced into that environment and we are constantly knocking them down. We are winning the battle.
If we took a reading in the morning prior to opening, the VOCs would be virtually zero.
We took an environment which represents most nail salons where the air was unsafe (greater than 1.0 ppm VOCs) to an environment the air is safe (0.3 ppm VOCs)